Finishing vacation

Our final train trip this time IMG_2694IMG_2695IMG_2696IMG_2700IMG_2701IMG_2704IMG_2707IMG_2717IMG_2724was in Leadville, CO, one of the highest places to live. I didn’t have as much trouble breathing here, I think I was becoming acclimated. Our train ride included an area that had a forest fire last year, and erosion. I was amazed at the tenacity of the trees even when their roots we so exposed. I loved the wild flowers as well. The old freight station was appropriately labeled with a quilt block!
Leadville has a really old Opera House that we visited, but it still needs a lot of reclamation work. There is an antique mall in a very old Hardware Store that is intriguing. It still has all the old drawers, shelves and ladders that were part of every hardware store ages ago.
The only quilt store in Leadville is a vintage store. There’s no place to buy the latest fabrics there. This store – I forgot to take a picture – had old quilt tops, fabrics, embroidery, thimbles, sewing items – the list goes on and on. DH found something there and I bought a silver thimble that fits – a rare find for me.
Our last stop was Golden, CO. On the way into town we stopped by the Quiltmaker offices and checked out the gallery. These were quilts made from some of the patterns in one of the 100 Blocks series. Two quilts were made by fellow Scrap Squad members, Marti and Colette.
Even though we were there at lunch time, 3 editors from Quiltmaker were nice enough to come out and say hello. Did I remember to have my picture taken with them? No. You can see them if you watch the Block making instructions on the Quiltmaker website.

The last day DH and I split up. I went to downtown Golden to the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum and to go quilt store shopping. I also wandered the river walk and again wanted to ride one of those tubes down Cripple Creek (I think that’s what runs there). DH went to the Railroad Museum and met up with another railroader. I forgot to take pictures of the quilt store, and I’m not sure if I can post pictures taken inside the Museum.
This picture is of my haul BEFORE I went to the Golden quilt shop. I found Kaffe Fassett fabrics there and did some stocking up on his stripes.  What a great vacation. My suitcase weighed in at 49 pounds, but my backpack had another 15+. I made it home safe and sound, stash intact.
I hope you made time for a vacation this summer. It was a wonderful break from the usual!


Aunt Marti said…
Becky, I'm so sorry I missed you this trip. We go to Leadville when it gets higher than 90 degrees down here -- it's always cool in Leadville!
Bonnie said…
It sounds like a good time was had by all. We didn't take a vacation this year but thinking of California in Nov. for our 40th college reunion.

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