Scrap Squad Beginnings

I’ll have to figure out how to get one of those neat flashing buttons for Scrap Squad. We received our first assignment.
The quilt in the article uses this block  borrowed from Block Base), called Double X 2. You can color this a variety of ways to make “layers” – some lines within it more prominent than others. I’ve just finished a Craftsy course with Joen Wolfrom, and she challenged us to create a project with layers. That was my original thought, but remember, this is supposed to be made out of scraps.

My plan was for this to be a Quilt of Valor, so I pulled out the Americana box. Note it is very small. I found some more scraps and fat quarters in the blues box, enough for darks, but I needed toned blues for the diagonal background, and background. I remembered that I cut most of the blues up into a Winding ways king and a braid king, and cut the rest into 2-1/2” strips. I found that box, and was in business. I found medium blues, but very few of them were toned. There were shirtings to use for the rest of the background. 

I’ll never be out of red scraps (see this post), so I was set. IMG_2041IMG_2042
I ended up not using the lower fabrics in the blue, as they had lights in them and would blend with the background too much to have crisp star points. (In case you wondered, that yellow orange in the blues is the “real” complement of blue, rather than the red we so often see and use. Sometime I want to try that combination.)

I cut for a while, using 2-1/2” and 4-1/2” strips and engineered templates. I’m using HSTs as leaders and enders as there will be plenty of them in this quilt.

I finally have my first block. I think I will have fun playing with these.

Happy Quilting,


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