School has started!!

What a busy summer! Little people (not really very little anymore) were about and had to be taxied to various activities such as work, dentist, dance, and other fun things.
2013-06-01 15.05.082013-06-22 20.11.472013-08-02 15.26.492013-08-05 19.36.47
2013-06-22 20.14.07 
In between, we took a vacation to Colorado to ride old trains and visit quilt shops. What a wonderful combination.
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This was the first train trip – the Royal Gorge. We sat in the Vista Dome car and had brunch while admiring the beautiful surroundings.  The forest fires earlier this summer burned all the buildings at each end of the bridge, but looking up at it from train level, I didn’t think I would miss it at all. I loved watching all the people rafting or tubing down the rivers. I must try this.
IMG_2574Canon City had two smaller quilt stores. This one, nearly across from the train was appropriately marked. The other one was in the old downtown, and had about every Accuquilt template you could ever want. I controlled myself, and only fat quarters and fabric pens came along at this point.
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Our next stop was Durango. From there one day we headed up to Silverton, rented this jeep and drove as much of the old railroad bed as possible. DH had reviewed pictures of the area taken when the mines were in operation, and we were trying to find those sites. I only had one panic attack on the narrow or non-existent “roads”, and did have fun wading in the streams and rivers we crossed.
Durango has two wonderful quilt shops. The first shop, Durango Quilt Company was apologetic that their store was “bare” as they were having a quilt show in Montrose and had taken a lot of samples there. Quilt show? we found it later! The second “Quilt Store” had a lot of brights and Kaffe Fassett fabrics. I think I went a little nuts here, as well as the previous store. My backpack grew.
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Of course, we had to ride the Durango and Silverton Railroad. We sat in DH’s favorite place, the last seats in the last car. We had a wonderful ride after a bit of Dramamine. I could watch the water rolling by forever. Silverton is a fun place to stroll and spend money, and has an awesome museum. DH was able to meet with an archivist and arrange for copies of some old engineering drawings of the mines railroad.

This is enough for one day. As you can see our summer was full. Other than Scrap Squad Quilting I didn't work on any projects. More vacation pics another day.

Happy Quilting,


Bonnie said…
Becky -- sounds like a very cool vacation. Lots of interesting things to see. And quilt stores too! Whoopee!

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