Design machine Monday 10-15-12


Young quilter at work! Grandma did the first and last rows since DGD#1 couldn't see over Black Bart to do the guiding. Other than that, she helped load, advance, and remove the quilt from BB. We used the Cosmos Circle Lord boards – the hardest I have, but she wanted flowers. IMG_1867She picked some binding fabric; we cut the strips, then Gma went outside to keep DGS company as he did some digging for me. I should have stayed inside and put on the binding. I ended up slipping, falling backwards down onto the steep part of the concrete driveway which unfortunately had the rake laying on it. Nothing broken, but no more sewing with “the hand” for a while. Ah, the joys of growing old and less steady.

Happy Quilting,


Bonnie said…
Wow what a great quilt and fabulous quilting. I am trying to decide on a new set of boards from Urban Elementz but haven't made up my mind yet. Decisions, decisions. Take care of yourself. Hope your hand heals quickly.
Kristie said…
Sorry to hear about your fall. Hope your hand gets better real soon.

How precious that she got to quilt. Those are times that she will never forget.

Have a wonderful and Blessed day
Kath said…
hope you mend soon Becky! these trips can happen so fast and you are surprised to find yourself on your bottom!
Your GD did great, what a lovely little apprentice.
Take care of yourself Becky, looks like you have a potential "apprentice" in the market. Good on her for having a go.
Denise :) said…
It's always awesome to see 'quilters in training' at the helm!! :)
Quilter Kathy said…
Looks like you did a great job on the fun that a youngster is interested in the process! Take good care of yourself!
Dar said…
So sorry to hear about you fall, hope you are taking it easy now. Your "helper" did a very nice job on the quilt. She will be able to fill in for you for a while with a little guidance, I'm sure.
Gari in AL said…
The quilt is lovely and your granddaughter looks very proud of herself. And, yes, getting older is not fun. I hate it when I realize that there are things I used to be able to do that I just can't anymore. But now days I have more time to do the things I can. Trade off?

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