Design wall Monday, 9-26-11

Where did September go? I’m sure there must be more of it left somewhere!

Yes, I finished the monster other person’s UFO. I did the binding by sewing the back from the front. I even glued it down, but I’m still not happy with how it turned out. I still had to do a lot of resewing.  I haven’t found a foot for the Bernina that let’s me open the ditch as wide as I would like on the binding. I’ve tried the new ditch attachment for the walking foot, and it didn’t help. If it hadn’t been so large, I would have turned it by hand.

This is as far as  I am on the donation quilt for the Virginia and Truckee Railroad Symposium next week. It only needs a small border – I’m debating between the red and the yellow. The yellow is a subtle tone-on-tone, but the red has trains on it. Every other piece of fabric in it is train fabric, so I’m leaning towards the red. It doesn’t show very much, but each of the railroad crossing blocks have red lights under the white crosses. I’m hoping it is a half yard instead of a fat quarter, but it will have to do.

The sepia images are all in the public domain in black and white. DH Photoshopped them for me. We worked to find a red brown rather than a yellow brown. The color image I took several years ago at the Nevada State Railroad Museum in Carson City at the end of another V & T symposium.  I hope someday to make a series of train quilts.

No other quilty stuff this week – this is enough!

Happy Quilting,



Kate said…
Very cool quilt. Love the photos and the railroad theme.
Mary said…
Very nice train pictures. I like the red rather than the yellow for a border.

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