Trying for Mr Linky

This is a test of Mr Linky.


Don said…
This looks neat.
Gladys Wahl said…
you have a lot of followers on this challenge...have you started yet ?
What is the name of the quilt on your header? I love stars and I have the stash to make it out of red white and blue. I'm trying to get my ufos out of storage to make a list. I'm trying to join the 50.
Bonnie said…
Becky -- are you knee deep in your 50 quilt challenge? there is no way I could do 50 quilts without buying some thing. Good luck. And, could you post a bit more often, please! How's the quilting going. Ok, from viewing your archive -- you usually don't post often. But, come on, how about striving for 1x a week? LOL Bonnie

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