What's on my design wall 9/14/09

I'm working (slowly it seems) on putting together the Cabin in the Woods to use up all the flannel left from the Big Star Buffalo quilt. On the other design wall are some happy blocks I'm using as leaders / enders. They have train fabric in the center. Every October there is a meeting of the friends of the Nevada State Railroad Museum. I usually go with my DH about every other year. They have a silent auction at the symposium - donations from members - usually railroad related items. I thought I would donate the Happy Block quilt (if I finish it in time). The group is trying to rebuild the V&T (Virgina & Truckee) railroad from Virginia City to Carson City. It is now open to Mound House. DH is a speaker again this year, but we will have to make time to ride the railroad, and visit quilt shops, as well as attend the symposium. I don't think Carson City has any, but we fly in and out of Reno, and I know of some quilt shops there.
Happy Quilting,

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Rondell said…
Y'all ever smelt that cologne called Obsession? I personally prefer the designer imposter one called Confess cause it a bit cheaper and ain't nobody can tell the difference.
Zlaty said…
Very pretty quilts! I am glad you are able to use leftovers! Very creative!

Happy sewing!

Brenda said…
The 'cabin in the woods' project is looking really good!!! I really like the borders you have put on it. they really make the center pop and compliment it very well. Beautiful. I will look great haning on your wall this winter - and it seems like it's very close to being done. What is the pattern/panel??? I am not usually one who likes panels, but this is very nice. Thank you for having it on your wall today.
Quilter Kathy said…
I made a quilt using that panel as a centre many years ago...but yours is MUCH nicer!
Teaquilts said…
Hi Becky - I've been reading some of your previous posts and am wondering... what is the do-dad that's holding your rulers? Looks like it's screwed into a desk of other piece of furniture.

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