What's on my design wall 7/13/09

The Reunion quilt top is finished ( see previous blog), waiting for me to leave in a few minutes to go down the street and long-arm it. The big star on my right design wall remains unchanged, but I've started on the 16" Sawtooth star blocks to make the 2nd border in the quilt. I'll make the 1st one after I measure the blocks and the center square, and make it all fit right. It is supposed to be 8" - we will see.

Being a quilter helps when repairing veneer on old furniture. I am working on the top of my mother's (now mine) table. An electrician had drilled all the way through a wall and into the table top. I repaired it last night, and several places on the leaves of the table, and did use a rotary cutter to cut the veneer - a very thin piece of red mahogany. I've worked on repairing veneer one time previously, and this one was easier. I think it is just like quilting - practice, practice, practice.
Happy Quilting,
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