Design wall changes

The ugly fabric challenge blocks are back in the drawer. It will be August before the next blocks are listed on Stashbusters with directions. The center big star is sewn together, the 4 corner blocks are made, and I need to make 20 more 16" blocks out of green moose fabric. It has been put on hold for a bit. We finally set the date when we are going to Idaho to visit the recipient - Labor Day - so I can change over to a more pressing project.

Last week I received a phone call from a cousin (I have many) that I haven't talked to in years. We had a delightful conversation, and I found out that there is going to be a Dunn family reunion at Big Lake, MO, June 18th. How delightful! Of course I'll go, and try to bring some of the family with me. It only gives me two UFOs that I need to finish by then - Yikes!!

The picture on the right is what I've been working on for the past 4 days, with time out for July 4th family activities. When we had the last Dunn family reunion in 1997, I took fabric pens and had people at least sign, but preferably draw something on some 8.5" squares of fabric that I had stabilized with freezer paper. I had always planned to make a quilt out of them, but I couldn't quite figure out what I wanted to do with them, so the stack of 23 blocks kept moving lower down in the UFO bins. If I want to take it to the reunion, I need to finish it NOW. I've been cutting and sewing, and have 24 blocks made. I had planned on making 7 extra blocks so I could set it 5 x 6 - I wanted a "middle". I finished the 24th block by making a block out of a print on fabric of a picture taken at the reunion. As I looked at them, I decided i had make enough blocks, and put them in a 4 x 6 setting. Now I'm auditioning borders, and trying to decide if I need sashings. The 3 pieces of fabric around the outside are possible borders / sashing. If you have any opinions about them please leave me a comment. I will also need to move blocks around depending on the border fabric I pick. There are two framing fabrics that don't look good up against one of the borders. I also see an option to move the blocks with the striped fabric into the center, then do a framing border of the stripe, then a wider border. I thought about doing piano keys with the remaining fabrics, but I think that would be way too busy.

The other UFO is not a quilt, but it is scanning into my computer the pictures in an old photo album that was my grandmother's, with pictures from 1941-1943. A lot of the people who will attend the reunion are either pictured, or their parents are pictured. I thought I would have it finished by Christmas, but . . . . My daughter gave me a coupon gift from Christmas, good for scanning old pictures, so I'm calling it in. I did do part of it, but it needs finished, put in some kind of order, then CDs made for distribution. My daughter teaches yearbook and newspaper, so putting things in order in a computer is her cup of tea. I do have some of them ready to print out for a Guess Who game if people are interested. It's going to be a busy two weeks!
Happy Quilting,
Email me


Quilter Kathy said…
Your signature quilt will be a treasured family heirloom I'm sure!
Jessica said…
what a great gift to your family, both the quilt and the pictures!! I like the teal-ish border on the left bottom...but they all look great!
Mary said…
Have fun at your reunion. Sharing CD's of Pictures is a great addition to any Family Reunion. I did that for Christmas. And made DVD's of the old videos of my children, they (the gradnchildren) loved them and are still laughing at their parents.
Bonnie said…
Hi Becky: I like the buffalos etc. Must be a bit of a pain making flying geese that big! But the end result is fast and looks good!

Your signature quilt is looking pretty good. My major comment is there are no stars in the far right hand corner. And two of the same stars in the same column. On the computer it sticks out that there are none there. All the borders go with the quilt. Being a two border kind of gal, I'd put the light blue in the upper left corner as a small border !" or so, and the darker blue in the left corner as a larger border 5 or 6". Of course, any thing you choose will look great.

Who gets to keep the quilt? If the group needs funds to help with the cost of the family reunion, sell tickets at a buck a piece and have the money go to help defray the costs. I'm sure you'll get it done in time. It is almost there.
Bonnie in the Poconos.
Shannon said…
I've never been to a family reunion or school reunion. It sounds like a lot of fun!
Oh I like the buffalo's. :-) Have a great reunion!

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