I'm trying to finish up this quilt that I made from a jelly roll and a fat quarter pack from Connecting Threads. DH gave it to me for Christmas 2007, and I finally figured out what to make with it. I'm trying to figure out a border, and I don't have any yardage from this grouping. Which do you like better, the green on the left, or the purple (with black in it) on the right? I'd appreciate your feedback, either in a comment or an email. Thanks for looking!


Mary said…
How about a framing border with the purple with black and 2nd border with the lighter fabric. Very nice
Jackie Russell said…
I like the darker fabric better.
Trish said…
I really like the green, but I like the purple too. Have you thought about doing a double border, the purple and then the green, or vis versa?
Anonymous said…
definitely the dark fabric on the right. It makes the darks inteh quilt pop... the other one just looks washed out and does nothing to enhance the quilt. - Anne from sb
Candace said…
I had a similar thought as the others who suggested 2 borders. Maybe, the purple in a narrow border, and the green as the final wider border. I love the quilt, it's really pretty.
swooze said…
I like what the others have said. Narrow border of the purple with a green wide border.
Anonymous said…
Usenthatdarkfabric as a stopper (El Burns word for that narrow inside border)and use the green for an outer border. Like what you did!
Bonnie said…
How old is the niece? I know weird question. But, I would use the light green for a younger girl. Although I go like the idea of a narror darker border and lighter outer border.
Anonymous said…
Another vote for a narrow dark inner border and finish it off with the green.
Terry said…
I like the green for a girl. Nice job!
Carole said…
I would go with the green myself. Another option would be one of the purples in the quilt. I'm thinking more the exterior purple of the one with the line surrounding the center on the right! have fun deciding!
Helen in the UK said…
I think you could easily use either for a nice result. If it was me .... I think I'd go for the purple :)
Darlene said…
Cute quilt. I agree with several others, a narrow inner border of the purple and a wider outer border of the green. I personally would then bind it with the purple, also.
A little late here but I like the green.
Mary Johnson said…
You've probably already decided but I like the purple best but I think both would work.
Anonymous said…
I know I'm late but I like the green
Quilter Kathy said…
Both look nice but I think I like the green better. Maybe it's because of all the green I've seen this week due to St. Patrick's day celebrations!?!
me too, I like the darker inner border with the wider outer border in green. do you have this as a pattern, or did it come out of the book I posted here?

mommajanjan said…
I vote green, the other draws your eye away from the blocks to the border. Isn't it funny how spread the opinions are? I guess that means all your choices are great. Any quilt made with love works somehow!

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