Not much sewing going on.

January has been a quiet month here with not a lot of activity. This aging really slows down recovery from almost everything. DH was rear-ended yesterday, so he's really feeling it now. I hope he can make a full recovery, he's always so active.
I did finish up this UFO - the blocks for this one were started 10+ years ago. One of my quilting friends chopped up a lot of fabric for Stack and Whack blocks, and had a bunch of scraps. I ended up cutting out star points from the left-overs and put them in a bag. I periodically cut out the backgrounds, again from scraps of that first quilt, and would make a block or two when I just wanted to do something quick. I have another top that looks about the same, but is 12" blocks. This one is 6". I quilted this using the Circle Lord for concentric circles (first attempt). I like the look, but it is "slower" than an overall. I'm trying to change my thinking around to realizing that I can spend as much time quilting a top as I can piecing a top. I like how this one turned out. Now if I could just learn to take a picture without key stoning!

Happy Quilting,


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