Timberline Log Cabin Opportunity Quilt Finished!!!!

"Timberline Log Cabin" is from Judy Martin's latest book. It's really nice that she gives permission to use her patterns for opportunity quilts. I fell in love with this pattern and Judy's color choices. I should have read the directions better - those logs finish to 7/8" wide. This finished to 96" x 96". I love LeMoyne stars, so this should be my quilt. It's too bad it is an opportunity quilt. I wonder how many tickets I would have to buy to be assured of winning it. I guess I'll have to make my own.

My friend Rose and I ended up doing most of the work on this. The quilting was done by Don Sutcliffe. It has taken up most of this year's quilting time for me. I've only finished a few charity quilts and this. I hope to resume work on some UFOs and Christmas gifts now that this is finished. I turn it in Saturday. If you are in the Kansas City Area, it will be at Crown Center for the Quilt Guild of Greater Kansas City show September 27th through October 12th.

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Anonymous said…
Very nice.
wow! Stunning, just stunning! A lot of work, I'm sure, but it was well worth it. Someone is going to love it.
Pat L said…
Wow! Your quilt is amazing. I wish I could see it in person. Wonderful work.
It's gorgeous! I would like to make this quilt someday but I need to finish some other projects first. Good luck!
Mary Johnson said…
Wonderful! I can see where it would have taken up a LOT of your time.
Tracy said…
An ambitious project with a stunning result! It will be hard to part worth, hopefully you will have the winning ticket. If not, whoever wins it will have an amazing quilt they will always treasure.
Helen in the UK said…
WOW - that is stunning!!! Hope you raise a fortune from raffling it :)

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