Finally finished - funky caterpillars (RWB CC#4)

Hurray! I finished the Funky Caterpillars top, and the tutorial. I've sent the tutorial to two people who volunteered to test it. One is already making blocks, and I've heard back from her. After I receive the second opinion, I'll post it in my sidebar. I used a tri-recs to cut it, so you might want that information ahead of time.

If you look closely at the picture, you will see that the middle column has red stripes (accent strips), and the side ones have blue. I used up all of the blue stripe fabric - Yeah - one goal met, at least a little bit. Remember, I wanted to use up all the fabric once I pulled it out of my Americana (RWB) bin.

Barb from HeartStrings left me a message that these were her Chinese Coins in QOV#4. I used every last inch of them, and blended in a few from someone else to have enough to make the 3 columns. Thanks you, Barb, for identifying your strips. I should have labeled them when I received them. It's great to know who made them.

Today has been a "prep" day for future coins quilts. I sewed together 400" of Chinese Coin strips so I can make a 4 column "Funky" next. It will have more options for settings with the even number of columns. I've also blended several groups of coins into strips long enough to cut another set of 48 string X blocks. I'll be doing more cutting tonight of corner triangles and sashing. I'm really having fun playing with these coins. I also washed up and squared some backing so I can begin quilting these. Maybe I will be able to quilt one next week. I want to practice with the circle lord, and #3 is perfect for what I want to try.

Happy quilting,
Email me


Mary Johnson said…
I love it Becky! Great job.
Love it! Great job on finishing the Americana scraps!
Guilitta said…
You did a great job! Congratulations!


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