Working on HeartStrings quilts
One "squishy" was from May, and she made two sets of coins that were very similar, and tied them up with a selvage and a label - the only reason I know who sent this bunch.I used a template my DH made for me, and trimmed the coins, then added HSTs to the edges to make a square. This is the block made of 4 strips.
Anyway, this is the progress on the RWB coins, so far. More later. Becky in KCMO
Doing a blog can take time, as I've discovered. But, it's fun, too.
Helen in the UK
(fellow HeartStringer)
I'm still a novice blogger, but have found that the tabs for "manage your post/settings/layout" have some useful advice. Blogging appears to be flexible once one gets the hang of it.