Time out to work on a very old UFO

I took time today to clean up my area a bit, and uncovered a really old UFO. I'm taking a break today from the RWB coins, after doing some sorting of them.

The summer of 1979 was the only summer I was able to be home with my kids. The program I had been teaching closed in May, and I was going back to school in August. My DD would have been 5 then, and I remember making a lot of doll clothes with her standing right next to me, giving me directions. She wanted a quilt for her dollies, so I bought 2 pillow panels of Precious Moments, a boy and a girl. I appliqued both the front and the back panels to white fabric - 50% poly, putting a piece of poly batting underneath. I then quilted the panels, sewed borders on the boy, and hand quilted it. I did wonder why the quilting on the boy didn't puff up. Oh, I had never taken a quilting class, and only had read a few quilting books from the library.

Somewhere between the boy and the girl, I decided I didn't need to use a hoop to quilt. The girl ended up badly pulled out of shape, with a lot of puckering. I didn't know how to fix it, so it was put away until about a month ago, when I decided to rip out the quilting and applique on the girl front - the back wasn't as bad. Today I actually (machine) appliqued the girl on the poly center, and added the borders I cut out so long ago. I noticed faint quilting markings on the center - a small template of hearts - it doesn't give near enough quilting. I remember that the boy was kind of saggy when my daughter had it up on her wall. Maybe I'll get this one quilted (machine) by Christmas time and can give it to her 2 yr old DD. She is now playing with her mother's dolls and the clothes we made together 29 years ago.

May an old UFO bring you a pleasurable trip down memory lane.


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