what's on my design wall 6/24/09

These first graphics are on my design wall in EQ6. They are possible settings for the Stashbuster Sunshine (Ugly fabric) Challenge. It needs to be a king-size, as I'll be giving it as a gift for Christmas. The left center will be faster, but uses more blocks, and only 12" ones. The right one uses less 12"blocks, but lots of 6" blocks, and more borders. I really like feathered stars, but they do take more time to make. The real block I would make is the one from a Marti Michell pattern - used as a block of the month a while back. Below is my progress on blocks for this quilt; I only made 6" blocks this week. After my new glasses arrived this week (Hurray!), I was able to start on the quilt below. It is made out of mainly brushed cotton, but some real flannel. It is a King-size, so I think I will need to find a wool batting, or they won't be able to turn over under it. We visit these friends in Idaho nearly every year, and Chris has been hinting for...