Doll capes finished, no quilting

Since DGD#2 shared her respiratory germs, little has been accomplished on the sewing field. I did finally almost finish the two doll capes made from stretch velvet and silk. I ended up doing a lot of the sewing of the "blue on blue" one by hand. They still both need a good pressing, and I need to figure out a closure that little hands can work. I'm thinking double buttons and a loop of elastic they can slip over the buttons. If you have other ideas, please share with me. I would like to finish up the disappearing 9 patch (D9P) that is behind them, but time will be limited. DGD#2 has eye surgery tomorrow, and I imagine we will be spending a lot of time in the rocking chair the next few days. Her mother (DD) is not very good at handling things that hurt and might involve blood. In my other life I spent 36 years in the Operating Room, so they don't really phase me too much, besides, I have the best time with the cuddle bug! The only thing is waking up at 050...