Just Beachy is quilted!

I have shamelessly “borrowed” these pictures from Sue Daurio’s Blog http://suedaurio.blogspot.com/2015/03/just-beachy-fresh-from-frame.html This is my Just Beachy that I started with two other quilting friends about 10 years ago. We shared our batiks so we would have more variety. It is from a Karen Stone pattern, although I enlarged mine. Karen had a unique way to make these blocks with fusible. You put fusible on a full square of fabric, then carefully cut out the pattern and then fused both parts to two other pieces of fabric. I used a lot of Steam a Seam, some original and some 2. Every edge is machine embroidered down. I used a variety of threads and stitches from my machine. I blogged about it here http://beckyquiltobsession.blogspot.com/2012/08/just-beachy-ready-for-borders.html We had to put tear away stabilizer under each block including the sashing to keep them from bunching up. I have a few blocks left over – ones where I was trying techniques and...