What's on my design wall 8/31/09

What's NOT on my design wall - the Big Star Buffalo Ranch quilt. It is finished, label and everything. It is folded up to become my carry-on luggage for our trip on Thursday. Chris has a loft, with a railing, so hopefully I can get a picture there. The label includes the admonition to use with two persons so you can fight your way out from underneath it and not smother! A king flannel quilt, even with light batting, is one heavy dude! So what do we do with the leftovers? Start another quilt. I had wanted to use the panel seen in the left picture on Chris's quilt, but it wouldn't work with any setting I could come up with for a king - square - quilt. This will be a long lap quilt, and I am trying to use up all the left-over fabric scraps on it. Some of the checkerboard background is pieced - one 2" square has three pieces in it. I had to introduce the striped background for some of the last round (the block on the right), but I had purchased it to use as bi...