homespun plaid quilt

This isn't a very good picture, but someone on Stashbusters wanted ways to use up a large amount of homespuns. This one is made from plaids and train fabric. I made it in 2002 when DH and I were doing long-distance dating. We had gone to Gold Country in California for vacation, and I mapped out the quilt shops. Most of the fabrics were bought then, but I also had homespuns in my stash. DH enjoyed looking through the quilt shops. He found the train material that is in the center, found me, and said, "If you don't want to buy this, I do." It has steam engines, and he models 1895. Christine Meunier has a similar pattern in Easy Traditional Quilts - Stars . The dimensions are a little different than this one, and I added the extra "stuff" in the large triangles and corner squares. The end product looks a lot like the block "Best of all". I also added a row of 6" Sawtooth Stars to both the top and the bottom. It fit his queen waterbed at the time. ...